Launch X431 PROS ELITE vs PROS V5.0

PROS ELITE or PROS V5.0? What is the difference?

They may have very similar names at first glance, but there are differences between these Launch products, and not just from a financial perspective. So let's take a look at how these two products from Launch's X431 series differ. The important thing is that both of these diagnostic tools are advanced, offer multilingual interface and are among the latest models in the X431 series. They include two-year updates as standard, which is similar to most other models. The  diagnostics also support a wide range of Launch branded accessories, which can be found in our range.



Launch X431 PROS Elite Launch X431 PROS V5.0  
Operating System Android 10.0 Android 10.0
Processor 2.0Ghz 4-core 2Ghz, 4-core
Display 8" 8"
RAM 4Gb 4Gb
Internal memory 64Gb 64Gb
Front/rear camera - / 8MP - / 8MP
Connectivity Cable Bluetooth
Battery 6000mAh 6300mAh
CAN FD Yes Yes
DoIP Yes Yes
Complete diagnostics Yes Yes
Intelligent diagnostics Yes Yes
Bidirectional active testing Yes Yes
Special Features 32+ 37+
Automatic VIN retrieval Yes Yes
TPMS Yes, using TSGUN Yes, using TSGUN
Battery Testing Yes, using BST360
Yes, using BST360
Programming IMMO Yes, using X-PROG3
Yes, using X-PROG3
Endoscope Yes, using VSP600
Yes, with VSP600
Print WiFi Yes Yes
FCA AutoAuth Yes Yes
Updates 2 years included 2 years included
English Yes Yes